What a slug I am! No new posts since February--Hal's off chainsawing a one man tea party out there and it's mid August! In the not so funny news category, alas, the Woodman dropped a log on his foot earlier this spring, resulting in a crush injury to the third metatarsal. Should have been healed by now, blah blah. Not easy when your job involves climbing trees!
He wasn't able to do much wood turning--too much weight on the injured foot, which he was sposed to stay off of (but didn't, cuz he needed to keep trying to make a living). He was finally able to start making some of the gorgeous maple cutting boards like the one he gave me last x-mas--pictures TK--but what I've posted (Ms Tangential, here) are some wooden doodads from my father's 30's childhood. The deer napkin holder adorned Grandma Hahn's breakfast nook for decades, and who knew they really gave "space cadet" Scout badges!
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